
“我相信,中國年輕人對世界的了解已經遠遠多於世界對中國年輕人的了解。”11月1日,在2023年世界青年發展論壇青年文化創新主題論壇上,中青報記者獨家專訪了施普林格·自然集團大中華區總裁及全球圖書業務總裁湯恩平。湯恩平說:“年輕一代對不同文化有天生的好奇心,而這正是我們作為出版行業從業者可以為他們提供支持的地方。我們要為年輕人傳遞來自不同文化的信息,助力年輕一代真正成為文化互鑒的使者。”(中青報·中青網記者張詩童 實習生武沛雲) Niels Peter Thomas: Helping the younger generation truly become ambassadors of mutual learning among civilizations
“I do believe that Chinese young people know more about the world than the world knows about Chinese young people”, says Dr. Niels Peter Thomas, President of Springer Nature Greater China and Managing Director of Springer Nature Books Division. On 1st November, at the Thematic Forum for Cultural Innovation of the 2023 World Youth Development Forum, a journalist from China Youth Daily exclusively interviewed Dr. Niels Peter Thomas, who elaborated on his understanding of helping young people contribute to cultural diversity. In his opinion, there is a natural curiosity in the young generation, and this is where they can support as publishers because they need to transport the information about the different cultures across the border and help the younger generation become ambassadors of mutual learning among civilizations. (Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily; Intern, Winifred Wu)